Wednesday, December 31, 2008
at the end of 2008
Make a wish to welcome next year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
in night
It is about 1 a.m. and I am hungry now. But it is time to go to bed. I still want to practice C++and study physics and mathematics. There is always no enough time to do what I want to do! Why a day is not formed by forty-eight hours? Perhaps it just makes a day so precious. That all! Have a goodnight, everybody!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I like play volleyball. It is also the only one sport that I am able to play best, although it is still not good. I have no ability to play every ball, but I like play volleyball. I do not know the reason why I like volleyball so much. Perhaps it is the sport that not makes me so tired and can play with many people. I have a great memory of volleyball. It is the important memory that I like and I do not want to forget.
I join the volleyball team of the department now. Follow the seniors’ steps to improve my skills. During this time, I learn many things and do something I dare not such as attack or spike. Although I dose not do good, I am still happy to learn it. It is exciting to stand on the field.
The photograph is the race of Computer science and information engineering. The racer is formed by students and teachers in CSIE. Everyone is happy to join the volleyball race! Our team is the fourth!
Though it is too late, wish everybody Merry Christmas!!!!!!.
I hope that everyone’s dream will come true. ^^
Deeping in the night can let me think something. I always think that as the time nearly the end of the semester, what did I do during this semester? I often fell that I did not do anything and just waste the time. Perhaps my thinking is too pessimistic, but it makes me think in realistic and not sink into impracticable dreams. It makes me more active; on the other hand, it makes me easily to give up when I face the cliff which I think cannot stride across.
I want to do many things; nevertheless, the complete things are few. The temptation in dormitory is too many. Even though I know it is not correct, I cannot stop to do the things that I think waste my time. It is why I hate the dormitory! Retune to the origin, I am a person that cannot self-restraint. OH! It is too terrible.
Is it possible that I will break my engagement to my teacher and my friends? I am so afraid that I will lose more and more things…………
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
During the period of economic recession, I should enrich myself with knowledge and have more completive power to compete against the people in same domain (software)even in different domain. The future makes me so nervous and cannot find the way I should go. I want to enjoin my school life. But I do not have ability to reach a perfect balance between amusement and studies obviously. I also want to do one thing. That is a secret to everyone. How I wish to reach the goal. But it seems an impossible mission to a person who sink into contradiction. Perhaps I think it too simple to reach at beginning. Moreover, I do not have the ability.
Now the limit time is more and closer, but I still remain unmoved. I begin to afraid that I cannot achieve to some people’s pledge. What I should do now? Do my best or give up? Should I test myself what kind of degree I am able to achieve or just stay in Chang Gung University to be a normal student? I lost in a forked road.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Music is one univerasl language. music is different from culture to culture and from generation to generation.three of the more successful styles are reggae, punk, and rap.
A. the first style is reggae
B. the second style is punk
C. the thrird style is rap
Music changes constantly. All contribute to the power and excitement of popular music in our time.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Young Goodman Brown
The story takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, New England during the Puritanical witch paranoia of the seventeenth century. Young Good Brown goes to meet an evil wizard to join a secret assembly in evening. During his journey, he discovers the human nature different appearance. For example, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story, a very pious and exemplary dame, who had taught Goodman Brown his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual adviser, jointly with the minister and Deacon Gookin, has the relations unexpectedly with the devil moreover is a witch. Another example is his dear wife, Faith, who is a woman, who is aptly her named and always dresses a pink ribbon on her hair. At the beginning of the story, Faith requested her husband do not leave home, but at the last, Young Goodman Brown sees her dear wife appear on the secret assembly, a devil assembly. Dose it represent that Faith is not faith not only to him but to the God? Is it just a night mare or a real bad nigh? No matter which is true, the rest of his life will live in suspecting and suspicion. Especially to is wife Faith.
This is a story that is full of allegory, for instance, the Faith’s pink ribbon. The color, pink, is mixed with white and red. In the West Country, the color is representing faith and young and the red is representing evil and angelical. Another allegory is about his name Young Goodman Brown, Goodman and Brown. I do not tell details there.
After reading this short story, I cannot know clearly what it is describing about actually. Because there are old-used characters such as thee, thee, thy and so on, they are difficult for me to handle the article. Another reason is that I do not really understand the setting of the story. There is about historical dispute between Christianity and heathen and as if tremendously effect the author.
Even though I so not really understand, but I still realize something. It is cannot be too stubborn to a person. Moreover, we must learn and accept people’s different appearance. Although they participated in not a good assembly, but that does not represent they are an unprincipled person. In the reality life, they are the good people at least, and do good deeds. What is a painful matter that lives in suspicion in the rest of live? But if I were he, would I go out this shadow? It is very difficult to say. I am a person who is so easily to be affected.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

We went to eat Okonomiyaki lat week in the underground delicacy street of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi which is near the Chungshan MRT Station. The” we” is including my three roommates and me. When we saw the Japanese’s drama, seeing the actors and actresses went to eat Okonomiyaki, Monjayaki, and Teppanyaki frequently in the drama For You in Full Blossom especially. The name of the restaurant is TEN House and there is its Website Okonomiyaki is a kind of foot that frying with a lot vegetable, flour, eggs and so on and into a circle. After it was cooked, cast some seaweed, some firewood and mayonnaise. Then, the tasty Okonomiyaki was complete! It tastes so delicious that I do not have the ideas to describe it.

After eating Okonomiyaki, we went to Normal University night market. That is the first time that I go to Normal University night market. It just likes the Shi-Lin Night Market but smaller than this. There were all people everywhere in Normal University night market and difficulty to walk any step. The lampblack taste is also everywhere. I think I compare like Shi-Lin Night Market perhaps that I was more familiar it. In brief, this is an happy one evening.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World" <<>
After several weeks, we can write program similar following two programs.
using namespace std;
int main()
int count;
cout << "Let us make the addition."
count += 2;
cout << "The resualt that the number add two is " <<>

using namespace std;
int main()
int X, Y;
cout << "Please Give me two numbers."<<>
cout << "The second number is ";
if ( X > Y )
cout <<"The first number is larger than the second number." <<>

The first above is a program that adding 2 to a number and the second program is comparing the size of number. It is difficult to image that we will write thousands or tens of thousands lines of programs. But if we can develop software randomly to do what we want to do, what is a joyful matter!
I start to think to the blue sky and the blue sea of summer. Perhaps I will move to the country which has no winter for ever. But what contradictory is that I would like to see snow with my own eyes. It is no doubt that when there snows, the temperature must fall to 0 degree below. I cannot endure such the low temperature. I hope that it dose not means I will never see snow with my own eyes forever. The things I want to see are not only snow but also the nearby scenery. For example, the Hokkaido’s scenery (which is located in Japan), Western Europe, Switzerland and Northern Europe’s Iceland and Finland etc are all the places I want to go. Or may I make wish that there will snows in Chang Gung University? If I really go to the place told above, perhaps I must carry the warming machine on my body everywhere!
The most important of all is that I also have two months to stay in Chang Gung University which is located in mountains. Will the temperature under the 10 degree? It is too terrible. I hope not! Otherwise I will really become a snake!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Last three weeks
After these three weeks, I discovered that I did not review completely enough and was too late to prepare. But I will remember the lesson and do my best in next exams. The first thing I need to do is to adjust my daily schedule. Living in a regular life will have enough spirit to deal other things and the method is keeping regular hours. Go to sleep before 12:30 and wake up before 7:00. I also plan a program that is going to play basketball with my friend on the morning everyday. It seems to be a healthy life! Hope that I will complete them well.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Advantages of Living in a Dormitory
Computer science and information engineering
Advantages of Living in a Dormitory
Living in a dormitory is convenience for me especially when I study in Chang Gung University. There are several advantages in living in a dormitory that listing out below.
A. The communication time
B. living spend
C. dormitory expenses is cheap
D. activities
To sum up, living in a dormitory reduces many hours a day for me that I can do other things I want to do. It makes my university life more efficient.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Liouciou ~1
Liouciou is developed in recent years, so not many people know there. But Liouciou is such a paradise that my sister and I want to run to there again. Both of us miss the Liouciou’s blue sky very much. Not only the blue sky but just the sunset, the tidal flat and the people’s enthusiasm etc. all are our favorite. Especially the beautiful sunset, I almost forgot how to breathe at that time when we saw the sunset. We stood silent on aside of the road and immersed in the evening light. It is such a magnificent scene that I have ever seen before. When standing there to saw the sun descending, we think that we just stood the centre of the world to watch the world fell asleep gradually.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The purpose of the meeting is to watch my friend’s salon photographs. We dated in a simple-meal restaurant to eat lunch. Before the meal prepared, we saw the photographs she just take back from the shop. She is so beautiful that I cold not put my friend and the girl in the photographs together. It not means that my friend is not pretty ordinary but the style is totally different. She looks so mature and just like a model appearing on the magazines. The photographs caused me want to take pictures like that but the expense is too high (about seven thousand dollars). Another reason is that I want to loss my weight first!
After that, the meals were cooked. We ate the meals and chatted about the college like classmate, teacher, surroundings of college and dormitory life etc. Because we studied the same course-computer science, we encouraged and supported each other. Only the people who study in computer science know how cheerful we are when a program is moving. My battery of spirit always electrify full of energy every time we meet each other. Even if we just meet an hour or less.
The leaving time is always reluctant, but we know we have next chance and after that is another chance. I hope I can reach the goal I set and reach her expect. It is a secret between of us.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The feeling after seeing the movie-My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Toula loves her family but she want to escapes from the family restaurant. She wants to change her life. Because all around her is Greek, Greek and Greek, that is enough to be a Greek for everyone. The only way her life will get better is getting away from her big, fat, Greek family. Then she sees the guy named Ian (Michael Constantine), who is tall and handsome. Toula is fascinated by Ian, but he doesn’t put the attention on her.
She goes to college to study computer and learn how to puts on make-up. Toula become beautiful and confident and get a job in travel agency. Fortunately, she meets Ian again! Ian discovers and fell in love with this transformed girl at first sight. They start to date with each other. Then, he proposed to Toula. But there is a big problem-he is not a Greek!
Toula’s family is a traditional Greek family. They dislike Toula to marry a xeno. Fortunately, Ina Miller is an east-going person and can easily accept different culture and unlike life style. He got baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church to be a Greek and agreed that the wedding would be Greek form to reach to their expectation. Ian can do everything for his lover. Due to Ian’s character, they got together to be the husband and wife.
Ian treats his lover’s family in an optimistic way, and never gives up their love because of Toula’s big fat Greek family. Frankly, there would be something difference, but it’s not the problem between the two people who fell in love. It’s not easy to find a man like Ian who is not a Greek that can accept such a big fat Greek family’s hysteria.
Toula’s father (John Corbett) loves Greek culture deeply, he always said “Give me a word, any word, and I show you that the root of that word is Greek.” I like the appearance that he takes windex to sterilize. It is so cute. He loves his daughter very much and wants Toula to be happy. But it seems to make a wrong method. Nevertheless, he gives the best gift at the end to his daughter- he let her go. He says a joke at their wedding” You know, the root of the word Miller is a Greek word. Miller comes from the Greek word "milo," which is mean "apple," so there you go. As many of you know, our name, Portokalos, is come from the Greek word "portokali," which mean "orange." So, okay? Here tonight, we have, ah, apple and orange. We all different, but in the end, we all fruit.”
Toula’s mother is actually different from her father. She supports Toula to do what she wants to do and helping her when Toula’s father forbids she to do something just like go to college. Toula’s mother says a famous quote,” Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.” Toula’s brother named Nick also says a famous quote,” Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become.” And a joke,” I've never seen my sister this happy, Ian. If you hurt her, I'll kill you and make it look like an accident.”
It is a warm and funny movie and it is also the first movie I saw in English. I thought I will not be able to understand at first, but not thought I will be able to understand unexpectedly. Due to this time, I begin to want to see movie in English!
How am going to plan my four-year university life?
Time management is my first work which I should do in first year. First, think twice before I choose which association I want to join, just like volleyball team or chorus. Then, balance the finite time between activities and study. I would like to remain at least four to five hours to study everyday.
In second year, I want to take part in the activities I choose deeply and to learn communicating with various people. Then, make myself more confident and responsibility during the process. I also would like to learn the related or the outside knowledge of my major subject by reading science magazine or visiting exhibition and museum.In the third and last yeas, it is time to prepare for the graduate school test. I don’t want to do unnecessary things except for the study. Put the emphasis on study and do my best during these two years, I hope that I can enter the better graduate school. All above is the things that I going to do during there four years.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
English freewriting 1
We met each other every week to share new life, it is more happy time we have. I think our friendships will continues and forever.